Water Restrictions

Water Restrictions


The Pembroke Water Works will be implementing an immediate restriction on outside watering beginning on Monday July 25, 2022.

The restriction is as follows: All outside watering is to be limited to every other day. If your house number is an even number you can water on even number days. If your house number is an odd number you can water on odd number days. This restriction pertains to lawn irrigation by system or by hose/sprinkler. Handheld watering of flower & vegetable gardens along with the washing of vehicles are exempt from this restriction. This restriction will remain in effect until such a time that the Pembroke Water Works has implemented a long-term process for PFAS remediation. Please keep in mind that if PFAS levels increase from high system demands we will need to implement a full ban on outside watering. If we all do our part, we can insure we meet safe drinking water standards and allow the time to make the necessary long-term provisions for our system.

Any violation of this restriction will cause The Pembroke Water Works to take the following actions:

1)         1st Offense--Written Warning.

2)         2nd Offense--Written Warning with $100 fine.

3)         3rd Offense--Disconnection of water service with $100 fine and $50 reconnection fee.

We appreciate your compliance with the watering restriction.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office.